Charles O Hill
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Original information:
Charles Hill migrated to Canterbury when he was seven with his parents, Joseph, an agricultural labourer (1814-1903), and Ann (34), and siblings Edwin (11), Henry (9), Ann (5), Francis (3), John (1) and Frances (infant).
According to sources, Joseph selected Hill and Brays Run, then bought land at Springfield and later at Avonhead. In 1900, Joseph was in North Belt, Canterbury; Charles was living in Langdons Road, Papanui; Frank was in Hinds, Lismore; John lived in North Road, Papanui; and Edwin was in Rimu, Hokitika.
Readers’ response:
The Hill family emigrated from Painswick, near Stroud, in Gloucestershire. According to the family history, the Hills first camped where Hagley Park is now and then later moved to Papanui.
Joseph Hill was well known in farming circles in Canterbury and was employed to select and manage runs on behalf of William Bailey Bray, who owned Avonhead run. The first was the Selwyn run, between the Selwyn and Hawkins rivers − 10,000 acres known as Braydown. Hill later bought the lease on the Avonhead and Springfield runs, where his elder sons Henry, Edwin and Charles stayed.
In 1869, Joseph was forced to relinquish Springfield and Avonhead, and lost a fortune. Later he took up Coldstream, a small holding in Fendalton. 2
Two more sons were born in New Zealand, Thomas Jenkins and George, and they attended Christ’s College between 1886 and 1870.
According to the family, Charles Osborne Hill was born on February 4, 1843, and married Ida Fredrika Haase, who was from Germany. Charles was a bellringer at St Paul’s, Papanui. It seems that Charles had two daughters, Margaret Cecilia and Charlotte Jane. 2
1. Kevin J Brown, unpublished family history (1978)
2. Kevin J Brown, unpublished family history (1978)